
Previously, you were a mushroom being traversing through an unknown land in search of the mystical exit - in this reality, you're a squishy polar bear who has to convene with other cold-weathered critters in order to find your way back home, away from the sunny domains of spring! Will you spend your time picking up flowers for your mother back home or will you find the way out? Press Space to find out!

P.S.: I added (actual) trees so that's why the screenshots don't include them!


To control your movements, use WASD: W for going up, A for going left, S for going down and D for going right. You can even move diagonally if you press A and W/S or D and W/S (diagonal left and diagonal right respectively) at the same time.

To interact with other characters, hold Space! The text will disappear if you don't, so you can hold space for as long as you need to read.

New action: To pick flowers, stand close to them and press "P" on your keyboard. And just like in the previous game, you don't need to press any buttons to pick up the key, you just need to walk over it!


This project took a lot of my time, certainly when dealing with the textboxes, as I've mentioned from the first iteration of this project (I wasn't lying when I said they took years off of my life, maybe). At the end of the day, though I'm not really sure if I managed to actually fix anything, I think overall I did a relatively nice job at first replicating the mechanics of the first project (the clone) and then implementing them into something that feels slightly more personal, more me (i.e.: adding my own art, sprites and sounds) which required a degree of work, and which ultimately strengthened my connection with this work. I am sure I could have done a bit better when it comes to the text box objects and fixing them and making them even more similar to the original narrative game's textboxes (i.e.: they disappear when you leave) but I think overall this small game has some merit, or some personal merit, rather; maybe perhaps in the near future I will be able to make a better narrative game based off of this one and perhaps I will have more things to be proud of, but for now I do enjoy the vague cuteness that I managed to bring to this "originally a mere clone" narrative game.

Made withGameMaker

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